Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie... Contact


Ponytail Lift, refresh the whole face

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Discover the Ponytail Lift by Juventas

Ponytail Lift, rafraîchir l’ensemble du visage sans incisions

The new trendy technique of the stars to have a perfect face contour without incisions. It is an aesthetic medicine procedure that refines, tightens and lifts the face without incision and most often without hematoma. This "ponytail face-lift" is a slight lift that mimics the "taut" effect obtained when wearing a ponytail.

Rejuvenate the entire face

The Ponytail Lift is a non-surgical facelift technique that consists of a combination of injection treatments to reshape the volume and rejuvenate the face. This customized injection treatment helps to maintain a natural glow.

Advantages of non surgical facelift

Non-surgical and non-invasive treatment, local anesthesia, no recovery time
No incision, no scalpel
Fast treatment: 30 min
Combination of fillers and injectables very localized
Little or no pain after the treatment
Safe, natural and effective treatment: rejuvenation and tissue regeneration

A total method

This method is targeted with small interventions that give a natural result, a combination of innovative techniques and fillers. Its price will depend on the quantity of product and the number of injections needed according to your expectations and budget. We establish a treatment plan during the first consultation with an estimate of the costs.

Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...

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Consult Dr LANNOY

Treatment options

Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...