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Jawline Contouring
Treatment to reshape the oval of the face

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Jawline Contouring : treatment to reshape the oval of the face

Esthetic treatmentsJuventas provides Jawline Contouring, a simple procedure that makes the jawline a little squarer and the facial oval more defined with injections of Hyaluronic acid or HArmonyCa™. Jawline Contouring, which is still not well known, is gaining more and more interest from women and men for its immediate rejuvenating effect.

Origin of Jawline Contouring

It is the new beauty trend that comes from the United States initiated by international stars like Angelina Jolie. Thanks to a few injections of Hyaluronic acid in the oval of the face, jawline contouring allows to bring out the right angle of the jaw for an expressive, assertive and more radiant look.

This technique of aesthetic medicine consists of sculpting and refining the jawline. This "contouring" of the face is possible without having to resort to aesthetic surgery. In recent years, the growing interest in Esthetic treatments on this area responds to the aesthetics of the thin and hollowed out face that floods social networks. An increase that can also be explained by the shift to telecommuting.

What is Jawline Contouring?

Along with the nose and lips, the shape of the jaw plays a role in the balance of the face and its character. With the help of Hyaluronic acid injections in the oval of the face, it is possible to obtain a jawline that does not lack character. This practice concerns both men and women. Strong masseter (jaw) muscles, a pronounced mandibular angle, and a straight, well-defined mandibular line are considered attractive in both men and women.

Jawline Contouring, or jaw sculpting, is a technique that consists of making the jaw a little squarer, improving its profile by shaping the face with injections used to correct the profile of the face, to increase volume or to reshape the contours of the face.

Who is Jawline Contouring for?

  Young women : mainly for young women who have a slightly round face and want to give it a more angular contour.
 Mature women : women who have a poorly defined facial oval can have injections along the mandibular bone to bring out the angle of the jaw at the level of the masticatory muscles. The result is natural because the Fillers product is undetectable in this anatomical area. The result is a well-defined neck and oval and gives more dynamism and character to the face.
 Men : men can use it to make their features more square and thus virilize their face.

Jawline contouring can be suitable for women at different stages of their lives. This procedure is suitable for young and mature faces alike, enhancing natural assets and bringing freshness and energy to tired faces. The procedure is also ideal for men who dream of a more assertive face and a squarer jawline.

Résults of Jawline Contouring

The result is immediate after 30 minutes of injection. The effects last from 18 to 24 months.

The Fillers products used are effective, reliable and can temporarily redefine the lower face, reduce the appearance of sagging skin and hide a double chin. They can enhance female features and accentuate male features to make them more masculine.

Rates for jawline contouring

The cost depends on the quantity of Fillers to be injected, which varies according to the degree of bone resorption, skin laxity and chin leakage towards the back. The intensity you want to bring to your jawline also influences the volume of product to inject.

Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...

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Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...