Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie... Contact


Esthetic treatments for men

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Esthetic treatments for men

Esthetic treatments for men

Remove wrinkles or correct a tired look... A pleasing physical appearance is more and more essential today. Men are becoming more efficient in their professional, social and personal lives. Men are also turning to aesthetic techniques to feel better about themselves.

Like women, they want to slow down and reduce the signs of aging: smoothing the wrinkles of the upper face with an injection of botulinum toxin or filling in some wrinkles with Hyaluronic acid.

If the means used are the same (injections of Hyaluronic acid or botox®), these treatments are not applied in the same way to men in order to preserve the specificities of male features. Men's skin is thicker and ages more slowly.

Men are looking for a quick, effective and painless treatment. They are looking for the right match between their face and their figure. They are also looking for more masculinity through a square and more angular face.

Treatment of dark circles and wrinkles by injection of Hyaluronic acid for men

Men are not looking for perfection and Hyaluronic acid is used more to attenuate some wrinkles that are too pronounced or to give a little volume to areas that have become thin over time. Hyaluronic acid fills in the furrows created by wrinkles and gives volume. The result is immediate, without social eviction. The Treatment of dark circles with Hyaluronic acid aims to correct signs of fatigue and rejuvenate the eyes by correcting the eye socket.

Treatment of wrinkles by Botox® injection in men

Men are muscular and so is their forehead. Removing masculine expressions with Botox® is to be avoided at the risk of feminizing the face. On the other hand, a well-applied and well-dosed BOTOX® will restore radiance to the eyes. It can correct the frown line located between the eyebrows (a sign of discontent) and the wrinkles on the forehead (a sign of surprise). The wrinkles of the crow's feet, located around the eyes, are almost never treated in men because they are perceived as an additional factor of male charm.

To rejuvenate the eyes and the upper face, the technique is adapted on a case by case basis after a study of each face, the goal being to obtain natural results..

Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...

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Esthetic medicine Juventas - Fillers, injections : Hyaluronic acid, dark circles, wrinkles, lips, non-surgical treatments, BOTOX®, rhinoplastie...